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3 Concrete Daily Action Steps to Create Massive Success with a Facebook Fanpage

choose 2 pick 3 facebook fanpage

I have been raving to anyone who will listen lately about the whole idea of Choose 2. Pick 3. Where you choose 2 marketing strategies, and 3 daily action steps for each and become masterfully talented at each of the two. During my Saturday 15K Mastermind there were some questions about what the Pick 3 … Continue reading

A Day In The Life of a Desire Mapping WAHM Blogger

After reading The Desire Map, and creating my goals with soul,  I’ll confess I felt a little bit lost… I was extremely excited about the prospect of making my core desired feelings something that really mattered and I focused on during my day… but I wondered, how does that look when I have to get … Continue reading

Weight Watchers Quesadillas

ww quesadilla

We love quesadillas. They are so simple and you can put so many yummy things in them. They are kind of my go-to lazy night dinner. However… when I started adding up all the points in my regular quesadillas it was a little distressing. 🙁 Tonight though… I created delicious weight watcher friendly quesadillas that … Continue reading

Why I Decided to Run My Business Like A Burger King

I remember this one day when I was younger. My room was a wreck. My mom had finally had it, and had told me it had to get cleaned. Today. Or else. (or else what I don’t remember at this point… but it was clear it needed to be done that day). So I went … Continue reading

Choose 2. Pick 3. Succeed.

I just clicked a link from an email and heard myself say…”Jackie… what the hell are you doing?!” I love it when that happens, because some kind of learning always follows that question. 🙂 Today I attended an excellent webinar about getting traffic from youtube. I clicked a link in an email and was ready … Continue reading