Published by Createspace on April 19th 2013
Genres: Self Improvement
Pages: 296
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Are you ready to break through your money blocks and finally make the money you deserve? In Get Rich, Lucky Bitch, you'll unlock your hidden potential for abundance and upgrade your life forever.
Why do most women settle for pennies instead of embracing true wealth? It's not because you're not smart or ambitious enough. You've just been programmed to block your Universal right to wealth with guilt, shame, or embarrassment. Even if you're unaware of these blocks and fears, you're probably not earning what you're really worth.
Join Lucky Bitch author Denise Duffield-Thomas on a journey of self-discovery so you can smash through your abundance blocks and join a posse of women all around the world who are learning to live large and become truly lucky bitches.
Are you ready to get rich, you lucky bitch?
I’ll be honest… the title of this book totally turned me off. The book started coming on my radar a couple weeks ago, I’d see mention of it here or there, I saw it in the recommended list on Amazon… but I was just like, um. No. I don’t want to be lucky. I don’t want to be a bitch.
AND… therein lies the problem.
I’m in an amazing online book club with some seriously powerful and radiant women. We were discussing the books we wanted to read this year, and this one came up a couple times. Not just came up… but came up with RAVE reviews from these women in my book club.
I ran over to amazon to take a closer look. I realized it was free to grab from the Amazon Prime lending library, and I hadn’t gotten a book yet this month so I thought, what the heck? * At the time of this update the book is also on Kindle Unlimited!
Oh how I love the instantaneous element of kindle. π Within a couple minutes I was reading the book.
I almost immediately… within a couple pages fell in love, and couldn’t put it down.
Denise Duffield-Thomas is a lot like me… she’s a no BS kind of lady, but in the most loving, caring, non attached to whether you listen to her or not kind of way. There is no push pull in the voice of the book… she’s not trying to convince you to believe, to learn or to grow. She simply shares, in a very easy going, like she’s talking to a best friend kind of way, what worked for her, how it worked, why it worked, and how you can use it to work for you.
What I particularly love about this book is this… I was familiar with about 95% of the things she talked about in the book. The tools, the resources… I knew about them all. I’ve been studying this stuff, in general (not necessarily around the topic of money) for years now. And as many tools as I have acquired and thrown into my handy dandy tool box, putting them into action was a whole other story.
I didn’t have a clear plan about when, where or how to use these tools in my every day life.
BOOM. Now I do.
I simple, clear cut, step by step process to move you to the next level when it comes to money. This little system is simple, but it is powerful for sure. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a dollar to your name, or you’re trying to move from a 5 to 6 figure income or a 7 to an 8 figure income… we all get stuck.
No matter where you’re stuck… stuck sucks.
This book will help you crack the stuck, get over the blocks and help you move to the next level.
So… let’s talk for a second about the title of this book. It’s got a few things in it that made me go ding ding ding… and when I mentioned, on Facebook, about being turned off by the name, mine wasn’t the only hand in the air. Which tells me I’m not the only one who needs to be reading this book. π
Rich: pheweeee. The word Rich sets off bells galore in my head… and it all comes back to what the word RICH means for me (and for you). I will tell you right now… the word rich means something totally different to me now (and feels totally different too!). If you’ve got an issue with the word rich, the idea of being rich ~ you’ve got a block baby… and it’s part of the reason you’re not where you want to be financially. Get the book.
Lucky: There’s another humdinger for me. Lucky? Who wants to be lucky? Lucky people are Β lazy people who don’t want to work… and if you want money and to be successful you’e got to work for it, or it doesn’t count. Sounds like a wee bit of insanity from the inside of Jackie Brain going on!! Yeah… if you’ve got something going on around the word lucky ~ that’s a block. Get the book. (on a side note… my feeling about the word Lucky has changed SO much since reading this book I’ve added it to my list of “core desired feelings” ~ yeah… this book WORKS!!)
Bitch: YOWZERS. No way… I don’t want to be a bitch. I don’t want to be called a bitch. I don’t want to read anything that is putting me in the same circle with THAT word, oh hell no. Yeah, if you’ve got something around the word bitch… it’s a block. Get the book.
There are so many ways we women block ourselves from living the life we deserve, from creating and holding on to the income we deserve… you are a shining star and you deserve what you want… now. π
So get the book… your bank account will thank you. π Whatever it is you’ve got holding you back… you’ll find a way around it. This book is chock full of tools, and will actually show you how to take them out and use them when you get stuck.
I loved this book so much I bought a hard copy so I have it when I return my amazon prime lending library version. This is the kind of book I need to be able to skim through easily, look back in, mark up, make notes on, dog ear pages… yeah, I definitely need a real book for this one.
Grab the book. While you’re there grab a beautiful notebook while you’re at it. You’re going to take lots of notes, and of course there’s homework. π
Have fun clearing, and I’d love to know how it goes for you! If we’re not friends yet on facebook… send me a request and tell me how the book is changing YOUR life!!

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I LOVE THIS REVIEW! Love Love Love! Heading to Amazin to get the book now!
Awesome review! Going to start my 30 day free trial to read it!
Awesome book review! You’ve convinced me to read it. I look forward to sharing our WILD success with this book! π