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A Day In The Life of a Desire Mapping WAHM Blogger

day in the life of a work at home momAfter reading The Desire Map, and creating my goals with soul, Β I’ll confess I felt a little bit lost… I was extremely excited about the prospect of making my core desired feelings something that really mattered and I focused on during my day… but I wondered, how does that look when I have to get work done?

I’ve been at it for about a month or so now, moving things around, feeling them out, trying them on to see what fits and what doesn’t, what brings out my core desired feelings and what doesn’t.

Then yesterday another Mapper asked me what my day looked like. She asked me if I’d be willing to share it with her… so as a blogger, I, of course, said “Sure. I’ll write up a blog post.” πŸ™‚

I’ve been thinking about my day and what it looks like, the pieces that I’ve put in place over the years and the things that have worked and didn’t work since I received that request.

Here’s the things I think have been most important in designing my day.

1. Knowing what time of day is my best, most creative, easy to work time of day ~ and then playing to that.

There’s no point in making life tougher than it needs to be and trying to force my brain to work in ways it doesn’t want to work… that does not bring out my core desired feelings (it actually kind of does the opposite).

2. Knowing the goal of the day.

When Hanna was younger and she was here interrupting me approximately every 37 seconds I was much more detailed about this. I knew exactly all the little steps I needed to take for each thing I wanted to work on during the day… that way, when I was interrupted I would know right where I left off, and what was next. I didn’t have to expend a bunch of energy trying to “figure out” how to get back into my work day.

Now that she’s in school all day, my day is a lot less structured. I still come into the day knowing what I want to get done, and what I want to work on…and I’ve been doing this a while now, the steps are pretty ingrained in my brain at this point.

I’ve started writing down my goal every day… my big goals as well as the smaller things I want to work on during the day. I learned this from Get Rich Lucky Bitch… and it feels good so I’m going to keep doing it. It’s kind of inspiring to write down that big goal and keep yourself on track. I also always include feeling my core desired feelings as one of my goals.

So… with that being said… here’s my day.

Mornings are my best thinking most creative brain time… so I plan for all the creative heavy lifting in the morning. That means blog posts, emails, any follow ups I need to write, any writing in general. If you think better in the afternoon or evening… then do your fun stuff (or the house cleaning lol) in the morning… save your creative heavy lifting for the time of day your brain wants to do it!

About 2pm my brain starts to fade so I leave the “non brainy” things to do in the afternoon… these are also the “fun” things like connecting and interacting on Facebook. This also has a bit of a motivational element to it… when I get my “work” done I get to play. But… I love my work, so the whole day is really like play. πŸ™‚

So here goes…

I get up, get Hanna ready for school. Drive her to school (we study spelling words in the car… it’s a 15 minute drive to school). On the way back from school I usually listen to some kind of training/motivational audio. (The car is my University on wheels).

Get home, make coffee.

Sit down and check email, Facebook and reply to anything I need to reply to. (10-15 minutes) I usually find something positive to post on Facebook at this point as well. It starts my day off on a positive note, and hopefully helps my friends on FB start their day on a good note as well. πŸ™‚Β (again… my day doesn’t follow many of the “standard time management” rules… but it feels good to me, and that’s what works best for me)

Open up my blog and write a blog post. (30 -45 minutes)

Usually between listening to and audio, reading email, and being on Facebook for a few minutes I will have a post idea. I also have a running list of ideas in my head, and on paper, so there’s almost never a time when I am at a loss for a blog post topic. I spend my life walking through the world as a blogger… so just about anything (well, everything) I see in the world I think about in terms of how it can be turned into a blog post. lol.

Do my marketing.Β 

When it comes to marketing, and driving traffic to my blog and business, I’ve chosen 2 very specific marketing methods. I’ve also identified 3 specific daily action steps to take to move those methods forward. I do those things now.

I would put a time in there… but they are both social media related, and I enjoy it so much that it ends up being the bulk of my day… though it certainly doesn’t have to. If I went in with my list and had something to do for the rest of the day I can easily finish everything in under an hour… but that rarely happens. Though it might today because I have a haircut at noon. πŸ˜‰

I think when it comes to marketing it is really, really, I mean REALLY important to be super clear on what strategies you’re using. I see so many people doing bits and pieces of multiple strategies, so they never do quite enough to make any given strategy work, so they end up really frustrated because they aren’t getting the results they want. Choose 2. Pick 3. That’s been the trick for me, and the team mates I’ve taught this method have had excellent results as well (and they’re feeling much more productive and excited!! YAY Β for that!)

After the marketing is done I send an email to my list.

This is another piece of the marketing puzzle, and one that can not be ignored. The whole purpose of the blogging, and the marketing is to build a list… so it’s my job to create a connection, and build a relationship with that list… which means emailing daily. Many times I end up sending them to the blog post I’ve written that day. Other days I send them to cool relevant training I’ve found, or that our team is doing, sometimes I talk to them about the power of my system and send them directly to the join page so they can join my team and start changing their lives as well. It’s a good mix, and I have no specific day to day strategy for it… just what feels good, what I’ve been working on or am feeling really jazzed about that day.

When that’s done… my work day is over.Β 

I do dishes, or clean the house (I listen to audio training while I do this).

I go for a walk with a neighbor a couple times a week.

I ride my bike when the weather is warm enough.

I read.

I do yoga.

I meditate.

I choose whatever makes me feel good that day… I always find time to read, but the others are up for grabs… whatever I feel drawn to doing that day.

I spend more time on facebook just connecting with people. I do have a list of Β “if you have extra time activities” that will continue to help me move forward and not just waste all my time on Facebook. πŸ™‚ That list comes from my Choose 2. Pick 3 list as well. I do this, because it’s fun for me! I enjoy it. I love to connect with people on Facebook… and seeing the amazing energy coming out of the people I am friends with there gets me really ramped up. I do NOT do it because I feel like I “have to” for work… no, this is purely fun time for me. (of course… I try to make it productive in some ways, so I’m not just sitting there hitting refresh the whole time… but some days that feels good and I do that too lol)

By then it’s usually time to go pick up Hanna from school. I hang out with her for a bit, help her with homework. Cook dinner. (take a picture if it’s a good dish and share it on FB or Instagram lol) Get her ready for bed. Then watch TV with the hubs.

I go to bed, and think about all the things I’m thankful for. I think about all the ways I was able to feel my core desired feelings through the day. I kind of get an idea what the next day is going to look like… and then I go to sleep. πŸ™‚

Next day… I wake up, say thank you and start all over again!

There you have it, not super exciting, but a wonderful day in the life of a work at home mom living her life with the goal to feel Lucky, Radiant, Unleashed and Alive every day. πŸ™‚

PS. If you’ve read The Desire Map and would like to connect with some other Mappers… I’ve got a secret “Mappers Mastermind”. We’d love to have you… just send me a message over on Facebook. πŸ™‚

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2 Responses to A Day In The Life of a Desire Mapping WAHM Blogger

  1. Shirley says:

    I felt such a calm wash over me as I read your blog post on your daily activities! After what I read, I decided that I would..
    – find out my MOST creative time ( I too, call it heavy lifting!)
    – focus more on marketing, syndicating and the “act” of acquiring eyeballs to my content, instead of just throwing up my stuff and wondering why I have no traffic, optins or conversions LOL
    Conclusion: It’s not what we do ( blog), but it’s WHO we are! ( Bloggers) There is no dread each morning of having to create content, but in the mind of a blogger, there is a whole world of inspiration in every waking second. It’s not about following a structured, daily, strict regime to be successful in blogging, but rather.. it’s about getting inspired, surrounding yourself with other targeted, inspired people and sharing who you authentically are..
    My creative muse has short spurts of energy and inspiration where, while swearing like a sailor, misspelling like a drop out ( even though I got 100% in spelling at school.. πŸ˜‰ she stays up late nights, or sleeps for days.. as the life, and words she needs to say spring out of her. Unfettered by strict grammar, or time of day or night, if I let my creative muse really “go”, my heart sings, and toes curl at the simple action of.. blogging.
    Quick question- ( unrelated topic) but are your campaigns not loaded with auto responder messages? If there are preloaded team messages avail. to send out to your list, do you send that AND your email of the day broadcast? Or what are your views on email marketing? I’m sure it depends on each target market you have gets different followup emails, but you just broadcast your “blog” emails to everyone?
    ( You can reply to this, or just send me a video or blog if you have already covered this. It is such a fascinating topic to me, and you are a pretty fantastic, fascinating blogger πŸ˜‰

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