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Overcoming Fear: The Pendulum Effect

Today I’d like to share a concept that was really an AHA moment for me.

It’s all about a pendulum.

A pendulum swings left.

A pendulum swings right.

A pendulum just keeps on swinging.

The pendulum doesn’t swing because it’s bad, or stupid, or not good enough… it swings because that is the nature of a pendulum.

Your mind is the SAME way!

Yep, you probably know exactly what I’m talking about…

You start something new, wake up excited, enthusiastic, and you get ON IT.

You spend a bunch of time, gain momentum and things start to move..

and then…

something happens.

Doesn’t matter what it is, it can be something as small as a smirk from someone you know.

Whatever the thing is, it starts your mood swinging in the opposite direction.

As your mood swings in the other direction, I can guarantee that your ACTIVITY swings in the other direction as well… where you were taking tons of massive action, now you wonder if it’s worth it, you find it difficult to even make yourself do anything!

Then something else happens… someone calls you back, asks for more information, says something nice to you on facebook… and away we go… swinging back in the other direction.

This pendulum effect is caused by doubt, and fear.

And it can be conquered!

YOU have to plug in to your team, to your mindset training, and start growing your belief and confidence in whatever it is your doing. The more you grow your confidence, and your belief, in yourself the smaller swings your mind start taking.

Until… one day, you find you didn’t have a swing all day… then two days. On third day you swing a little, but it’s pretty easy to get back to the other side.

The pendulum effect is why great systems have morning calls, and afternoon calls and places you can plug in to keep growing your belief, and your confidence. It’s essential… if you don’t grow your level of confidence and belief that pendulum is going to get you. It’s going to make you quit.

People don’t fail in network marketing… they quit.

Don’t be one of them.

If you don’t have access to amazing mindset audios… use mine. 

They work every time!

Image: Idea go / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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2 Responses to Overcoming Fear: The Pendulum Effect

  1. This is so true Jackie and it is exactly why mlm companies and a ton of sales companies have those meetings, calls, webinars etc. ->Thankfully.

    I think it all helps with what Randy Gage calls “Faithing it, til you make it” Not faking, but faithing – having that faith in yourself and your mindset that blasts through the fear and doubt.

    Love the new look and focus!

  2. Jackie Lee says:

    OH I love that idea from Randy… love that. Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by. 🙂

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