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What if You Only Did What Was Easy?

The other day I shared a video on Facebook. It was the video below. And I had a bunch of questions, messages, emails asking,  “well just how on EARTH can you do that?!”

Everything can’t be easy! You’ve got to work hard to be successful.  Hard work pays off. Hard. Hard. Hard.

Here’s the deal people… if you think it has to be HARD to succeed.. you’ve got a block. (and you should get this book)… but also, that is going to be your experience! It will be HARD. And who the hell needs that?!

So here’s the video… and below it I’m going to tell you a little story about hard and my morning.


So… today is a big day for me, and my team. We’re launching a very fun project called Rebel TV. We’re hosting a live, on air, TV show featuring the Rebel Marketers… each week we’ll be covering a specific topic and different Rebels will jump on and share their point of view, ideas, voice, and their own personal brand of magic on the show. It’s going to be SPECTACULAR!

We’ve had a LOT to do to get it off the ground, and get it rolling.

There were a lot of steps to work through, and some of it was hard. Well for me. But hey, guess what. I didn’t DO those things!! There happens to be some magnificent people on our team who find my hard things EASY… so they did those pieces.

This morning my friend Niamh did a rockin’ video about the launch. I knew I needed to do a little promo for the show to get people excited (and aware of it). I went downstairs to shower… brought my phone with me to do a video. Feeling a little bit blecky about it. Not really wanting to do a “here I am sitting in front of the camera talking to you again” video. I set my phone on the coffee table, and while I was washing my hair ~ I got this brilliant idea.

I finished up in the bathroom and grabbed my phone on the way upstairs… not because I’d decided to do my video upstairs, but because I’d had an idea that would make the whole thing a lot easier for me, and a ton more fun… and it would be an awesome resource everyone on the team could use.

Here’s the deal… creating that entire video ~ even though I’d never done anything quite like it before went super smooth. It was easy. It was fun. I had a blast. And it turned out crazy good!!

If I’d forced myself to do something that didn’t feel quite right because I knew I had to get something done, and hadn’t left any space open for anything new to come in I would not have gotten the same results. Now… maybe making a “here’s my face” video isn’t HARD… but who knows. Since I wasn’t really wanting to do it that way I may have screwed it up 15 times. It could have taken me an hour. My camera could have fallen off the table backwards and maybe I would have had to redo the whole thing.

Who knows… what I do know is if you stay open to feeling good, and you believe everything you need to do to succeed can come to you easily and effortlessly… it will. BOOM.

Don’t believe me? Give it a try and see what happens. Now, it may not all come together right away… you’ve got some pent up “it’s gotta be hard” gunk going on in there… but keep looking for the signs. Thank the Universe every single time something goes easy. Seriously… the more you are thankful for the easy stuff… the more easy stuff will show up.

So, there you have it, how to make your business as easy as pie starting today.

Oh, yeah, I know you’re dying to see the video I made for Rebel TV. Here it is.

jackie lee

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