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Stopping the Snowball…

Some days, and it seems especially true when you’re sick, the overwhelm can just come over you like a giant wave. On those days it is easy to let frustration, and blame slip into our lives. It’s easier to start feeling sorry for ourselves, for all the work we have to do, and if you live in my house the amazing imbalance of labor that seems to happen.

It’s pretty easy to start rolling with the negativity. Have you ever noticed when you’re in that space that it’s really easy to start noticing everything that’s wrong with the day, everything that’s wrong with your kids, your spouse, your life, your business, your house? It’s so easy to start noticing all the things that aren’t good enough, or aren’t right enough, or aren’t done well enough.

That snowball can quickly get out of control. If you let it.

I almost let it happen today. I was ready to sit down here and rant and rant and rant about how unfair situations are, and how this and all about that, and then I realized… it’s all about if I let it.

I’m going to decide not to let the snowball of negativity turn into an avalanche and take my entire day.

Here’s what I’m going to do instead:

1. Go listen to my Abraham Hicks meditation. (I’ve let it slide for more than a few days and I’m noticing a difference)

2. Lay down and rest ~ I can’t seem to make my eyes focus. In fact, I’m going to set an alarm and if I don’t get up until it’s time to pick Hanna up from school, that’s going to be ok.

3. I’m going to set an intention that I will feel more peaceful and loving when I wake up.

Here’s a little something feel good for you, in case you’re in that space today too.

What do you do to stop the snowball of negativity, and find a way to feel good? Please, feel free to share in the comments. 🙂 Now I’m off to rest and recalibrate. 🙂

photo credit: kamshots

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One Response to Stopping the Snowball…

  1. Robyn says:

    OK, I know this has nothing to do with the actual subject matter of your post but they did make a snowball nearly that big across the street from us a couple of months ago. Next time you’re feeling discouraged, just be happy you don’t live in Detroit and are able to make snowballs that big! Haha!!

    Have a better day today Jackie! I had a horrid day mentally yesterday. My poor children may need counseling. 🙁 I just wanted to be left alone b/c I had a headache. Being alone in any form or fashion is nearly impossible when you have a 4 & 6 year old!

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