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Nostalgic Saturday Morning

It’s really amazing to me all the things Hanna has figured out to do.  It doesn’t seem like someone who is only 3 should really know how to do the things she knows how to do.

She can turn on the computer. Turn on firefox. click to her favorite websites. Choose the game she wants to play.

She can also pick out the video she wants to watch. Put it in the computer and play it.

She can get to youtube and start her playlist to listen to her favorite songs.

She can go to the site that plays her favorite shows, go to the page with all the options and pick the one she wants.

Very interesting.  I guess she just learned by watching me do it for her a few times.

While I was being amazed by her computer savvy I started thinking.

She will probably never use internet explorer, in fact, as much as she knows about the computer already she doesn’t even know what internet explorer is.

Did you hear some 20 something cops picked up Bob Dillon and didn’t know who he was. He didn’t have ID on him so they had to take him back to the hotel where the hotel staff identified him.

My hubby was like how can you NOT know Bob Dillon??? But really, if I was 20 in this day and age not sure I’d know who he was either.

It just stuns me all the things we take for granted may be completely unkown by the next generation.

I guess I’m just getting sentimental and nostalgic on this rainy Saturday morning.

Uh OH ~ she just said “I’m starting a pillow fight ~ you ready? Pillow fight!!”  Whack

Ack ~ I’m being attacked by pillows ~ gotta go defend myself.

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