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How Real People Use the Internet [This will surprise you]

real people use the internet

A while back we were in Tulsa visiting my in-laws. My sister in law was looking for something specific to buy for my niece. She went to google and searched for said thing… and then clicked on the ads ~ ha… thinking they would take her where she wanted to go.

They did not.

Thing is… she didn’t know they were ads, and she couldn’t figure out why they just sent her to buy something, when she really was just researching what was available.

I’ve seen the same thing happen when my husband ~ who is fairly savvy when it comes to tech things ~ starts doing research on the internet. It’s like “real people” just don’t get how the internet works… oh wait, they probably don’t. 🙂

It’s been kind of fun to watch my mom ~ who is completely NON TECH ~ get used to her first smart phone. I realized quickly just how differently “real people” use the internet vs. people who blog and sell stuff online! It’s been quite an eye opener.

I helped her install the pinterest app on her phone last week. She pinned a recipe for million dollar pie… turned out the person had pinned the home page of the site and she couldn’t for the life of her find the actual recipe she wanted… so I went into Pinterest today to grab the recipe for her and print it out.

I was absolutely AMAZED at how “real people” use the internet… and as a blogger, and an affiliate marketer this is important information for you to have… so you can modify your actions to compensate for “real people” and make sure they still make it to your site to find what they’re looking for!



What I went through this morning really showed me the value of knowing how to add  a watermark on my blog post images so even if someone only pins the image someone can actually get to my site to find what they’re looking for.

So many times bloggers want to add a watermark so people can’t “steal” their images… I think the problem comes in WAY more often where someone just doesn’t understand the concept and just pins the image without realizing they left the content behind. 🙂

I’d love to know what actions you might take now, to compensate for “real people” using your site… share them with me in the comments.

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One Response to How Real People Use the Internet [This will surprise you]

  1. Celeste says:

    It is very interesting to see how “the real people” behave. This is one of the things we like to look at when we examine the ideal customer with start up businesses – once you have an idea of who the ideal customer is and how they behave, you can reach them more easily.

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