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Everyone Struggles… It’s not just you.

When you get started in a new business venture you look around at your team, everyone’s happy, successful, flying high. It appears no one is struggling. And yet, here you are, struggling, to get started, to get motivated, to get to the next level… struggling.

This can make you feel like you’re the only one. It can make you feel like there’s something wrong with you… like you’ll never succeed… because if everyone around you is having their time of their life ~ bringing new people on, building, building, building and you’re just trying to figure out how to find someone to talk to… it can make you feel like giving up.


Everyone struggles… even that super grand champion of the company has struggled. Even your upline who is nothing but sunshine and roses struggles ~ at least sometimes.

Don’t give up.

You can do it, and getting through the struggles is a huge part of making this business work. It’s getting through those struggles that grows your belief… in the company, the team, and most of all YOURSELF. When you can stick with it and overcome some struggle… the next time a little blip happens you’ll have muscle memory that YOU can overcome struggle. You’ll look at the problem differently, and instead of seeing this struggle as an excuse to give up ~ you’ll start looking for ways to make it work.

Don’t give up.

If you’re struggling… I suggest you talk to your upline. Tell them what’s going on. Tell them how you’re feeling. ASK them if they’ve struggled. Tell them they make it look so simple ~ but you wonder ~ have they struggled.

If they’re any good at all (and honest) they’ll tell you about their struggles… but they’ll also tell you the things they did to OVERCOME their struggles and get where they are today.

LISTEN to their struggles… but more than that listen to the solutions they found to those  struggles and start DOING something to overcome your own.

If by some crazy chance your upline is not willing to share with you their struggles, and say they haven’t had any… they’re lying. Go find someone else on your team… talk to them.

Don’t turn this into a bitch fest ~ or a way to dig yourself deeper into your struggles. Use it as a springboard. A way to feel heard and understood, and a way to find steps to take to start pulling yourself up.

Belief is the biggest struggle when it comes to network marketing… not in the very beginning. You’ve got excitement to carry you through then… but at the end of the first month ~ or maybe the second ~ when you don’t see a million dollar check in your mail box ~ you’ll start to doubt.

This is when you need to start pulling in resources, people, situations that will help you build your belief. THIS is the time where it’s make or break… if you want to succeed you MUST NOT let the doubt win. You must take action to create belief in YOU!

You can easily incorporate belief building in your daily life.

1. Read 10 pages of a motivational/inspirational/personal development/instructional book or magazine every day.

Input = output. If you’re putting garbage in you’re going to get garbage out. Start your day with 5 pages of something that is going to feed your belief. End the day with another 5 pages of something that feeds your belief.

It doesn’t seem like much but if you commit to doing this for a year ~ those 10 little pages a day will equal 13 whole books over the year!! 13 belief building books can be life changing.

2. Listen to 30 minutes of motivational/instructional/personal development audio each day.

This is great for when you’re in the car. Stop listening to talk radio ~ negative in = negative out. Start building your belief while your hands are busy but your mind is free.

This is also fantastic if you’ve got kids in the car ~ they’ll hear it too. You’ll be building their belief in themselves from a young age ~ those kids will be unstoppable!!

This works great any time your hands are busy but your mind is free ~ folding laundry, doing dishes, watching the kids play at the park, taking a bike ride, on the treadmill… take advantage of that time!!

3. Connect with someone else.

Call it accountability or whatever you want… find one person you can connect with regularly ~ maybe even daily. Make sure that person is on the same belief building journey you’re on. Share resources, pump each other up, encourage each other… use the person’s belief in YOU to build your belief in yourself.

These steps may seem small but success is brought about by small steps taken consistently over time. If you spend a few minutes a day building your belief  you’ll be amazed at how YOU grow ~ and when you grow –  your business grows. 🙂

Here’s 10 fantastic personal development books. Pick one, and start reading your 10 pages… if you’ve got a favorite please share it in the comments!

I also subscribe to Success magazine, and every month they have a free audio in the magazine. It’s a great place to start. If you’re in a network marketing company chances are they have audios available… don’t dismiss the power of these audios.

If you have favorite personal development audios please share them in the comments as well! 🙂

On a last note… you can do it. You must be open to BELIEVING you can do it… and if you believe it’s POSSIBLE… it is. Once you begin building your belief, almost like magic people, resources, circumstances will begin showing up that will make it easier and easier… it’s the getting started piece that’s the hardest… so pick up a book ~ read your 10 pages. It’s a start… and that’s all you need. 🙂


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5 Responses to Everyone Struggles… It’s not just you.

  1. Bernita says:

    Jackie I think you must of been spending some time in my head too! This topic is spot on for me right now.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Maggie Owens says:

    Great post. Exactly what I needed to hear. One more time….thank you.

  3. Lisa says:

    I agree, everyone does struggle. Probably even Paris Hilton, who makes everything look easy these days.

    • Jackie Lee says:

      I bet she does Lisa ~ she puts on a smiley face but come on… there’s got to be some struggle in there. 🙂

  4. You always seem to post what I need to hear the most.

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