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7 Ways to Build a Better Blog in 30 Days or Less

Can you really build a better blog in 31 days? Heck yeah, you can. In fact, if you create a little plan for yourself, and include activities that are going to move you forward, and really implement your plan you can build a blog a LOT in 30 days.

Over on Internet Marketing for Mommies I’m doing this Time to Shine Challenge, it’s kind of my Better Blog Plan for the Summer. Here’s some of the things I plan to do for the next 30 days to build a better blog.

1. Find blogs I love, read them and comment on them daily.

This creates relationships with other bloggers. The more I blog the more I realize at a certain point you’re going to hit a glass ceiling going at it alone.  Breaking through that ceiling requires teamwork, and help from friends. I have been very resistant to this idea, but now I really see it’s value and this whole Summer my main goal is to get to know and connect with other bloggers.

2. Join a community relevant to your niche ~ participate and be VERY helpful and encouraging.

I’ve just found the SITS Girls community, and I’m loving it so far. A very active community of what seem like friendly and helpful bloggers. There seems to be bloggers from all different levels of experience, and that’s really fun. I get to learn and help! love that. Another great way to meet bloggers and get to know them and connect.

3. Do Interviews.

Doing interviews is great for a couple reasons. 1. You get to connect with your favorite bloggers ~ and ask them questions. It’s like getting free coaching! 2. You get to connect with their community when they share the interview with them as well. 3. You get to create a connection with other bloggers in your niche.

When doing interviews you can go a few different ways… You can do a written interview where you just send them questions and they write down the answers. These are ok, and pretty simple, but I’ve found if you actually TALK to someone while doing the interview, the connection is MUCH deeper and they will remember you much better, and you’ll get a better connection with them.

4. Guest Posts

I’m hoping to do a lot of guest posting this Summer. What better time to start when bloggers would rather be out and about enjoying the weather. Great time to write for them and free up their time. It also gets you in front of their audience, which can seriously grow your traffic as well. And of course, it creates a point where you can create a connection with them. When people ask to guest post on this site, I go check out their site, learn about them, and then even after their post is published I keep an eye on what they’re doing and help them out when I can. It’s a win win really.

5. Social Media

Get involved, if you aren’t on twitter and Facebook you are missing a Cruise Liner of a boat. It’s such an easy, friendly and non threatening way to get to know people and create connections. (and it’s really fun!)

6. Blog Hops and Link Ups.

I only found these recently and I’m having a blast, hopping around finding new blogs, making new connections, and getting new friends and traffic to my site as well. This can be time consuming and it’s easy to look up and ask where the day went, so  timer may be your best friend with this strategy, but an effective way to connect with other bloggers and drive more traffic.

7. Join a Challenge

There’s nothing like doing something big with other people that keeps you at it. It’s so easy to start something, and then just never follow through, however, when you’re doing it with a group of other people it’s much easier to stay connected and finish what you start.

If you’d like to join a challenge there are a few I’m involved in this Summer:

1. Time to Shine Challenge ~ with a group of people at Kiss Club

2. 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge  ~ with SITS Girls

If you’d like to know more details about how to implement the 7 ideas in this post I’ll be going into great detail over at Internet Marketing for Mommies… sign up for the RSS feed over there, or just subscribe to the Wahm Way Newsletter to stay up to date with new posts.




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34 Responses to 7 Ways to Build a Better Blog in 30 Days or Less

  1. ropcorn says:

    Great advice you have listed here! I always enjoy to read how fellow bloggers create traffic. And you have a really lovely blog here by the way. :p

    Take care,

  2. Jen says:

    Great Post. Thank you for joining our hop today, I am your newest follower.

  3. Mary Bearden says:

    New follower from the blog hop and following thru GFC and Facebook. I would love a follow back on both if you don’t mind. I will changing my blog soon and will need all the lessons I can handle. I am terrified but excited and hope it all works out. Blogger is getting out of hand and out of control. Thanks for letting me vent a little and hope to see you on my blog!


  4. jeanniejoie says:

    Thanks for the advice about the tags- you were right, I never use those unless I’m on a technical type site. Removed and converted to a 2 column. Thank you.

  5. Miranda says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Great post, I do most of these and you are right about time wasters…I hop from blog to blog and one is linked to another and I get deeper and deeper into bloggyland! Can be dangerous for sure.

  6. Julie says:

    Thanks for this refreshing insight. I had never heard of blog hops before. I’ll be checking them out now.

  7. Meryl says:

    Nice meeting you – I will be your newest follower after I enter this message. Your ideas are great and I look forward to more.

  8. shelley says:

    Hi Jackie,
    I wanted to stop by and say “hi” to all of our 31 day challenge ladies! I love hosting this as it is such a wonderful way to meet so many ladies who each have amazing and different stories to share! Looks like you have a great summer planned! Glad to be part of it!
    Shelley 🙂 “the hostess”

  9. Anitra says:

    I’ve heard great things about the 31 day challenges. Thanks for stopping by my blog during last week’s hop. I’ve “liked” you on Facebook. Thanks for following me.

  10. Elizabeth says:

    Great Ideas! I need to bookmark this! #commenthour

  11. Laura P says:

    Great tips, thank you for sharing.

  12. Meg O. says:

    What wonderful blogging tips! Thank you so much for sharing. I’ll definitely be back to read more!! Visiting from #commenthour!

  13. Ainslee says:

    I am so excited about this post, I need this tips bad!

  14. Lindsey says:

    Great advice! I have followed all of these and my blog does grow consistently.

  15. Marie Noelle says:

    That’s a great post! Thank you for those great advices!!

    I’m doing the 31dbbb challenge as well!!

  16. Ginger says:

    Love it! I agree with all of it. Now I just need to do it. I can’t wait to come back and look around your blog! Looks like there is a lot of great information here. I am now following!

  17. Thanks for these great tips. Glad to meet you via #commenthour. 🙂

  18. TheProDiva says:

    These are really some great tips! I think I may try joining a challenge next. Stopping by to spread some Comment Hour Love!

  19. These are great pointers for blogging success, and you sound like you’re fired up and ready to go! I love your enthusiasm.

  20. carol anne says:

    Great post! I wish I’d have participated.

  21. Great information here. I’m doing the challenge now and it’s been amazing for me!

  22. Denise says:

    #commenthour sent me your way. Looks like you’re off to a great start in the 31 Days challenge.

  23. Very good advice! Stopping in from Comment Hour! 🙂

  24. Sarah says:

    Wish I had heard about this sooner. Great tips!

  25. Ann Odle says:

    Stopping by from #commenthour. Lots of great info here; I’ll be back to check out more!

  26. Karolina says:

    Visiting from comment hour! These are some great tips. I hope to get some guest posters later in the summer!

  27. Great advice! I’ve found Twitter and the communities to be the most successful for me! In fact, last year I was participating in the 31DBBB on SITS and this year I’m writing for them. It’s amazing how things can change in just a year!

    I’d also add that blog hops can be great but they can also be a great source of comment vomit (i.e. the people who don’t actually comment on your post but just say “following you now follow me!”). As long as people stick to ones that bring me genuine followers and introduce them to great blogs, keep on keeping on! I just LOVE your timer idea. I’m big on timers but didn’t think to use them for blog hops!

  28. Fantastic list! Kudos! Congrats on the #commenthour feature. I am so happy to have found the SITS Girls and to have started this challenge.

  29. Elian Evans says:

    A great post with great resources and ideas! Thanks Jackie and congrats to being picked for #CommentHour!

  30. Ashley says:

    Great Post! I’ve been doing the challenge over at SITS and it’s been fun. I’m a couple of days behind, but I’m doing it haha…I really want to get into guest posts and interviews.


  31. Really great tips. Thank you for sharing them. So helpful and timely.

  32. Chasing Joy says:

    This is great advice. I am thinking about having some guest posts on my blog.

  33. Chasing Joy says:

    Oh, I am stopping by after #commenthour.

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