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Word of The Year 2016

I’ve been playing with a word or theme for the year for a decade or so now. It’s really one of my very favorite practices. I think I like it so much because it’s such a relaxed practice, and no matter what you do, you can’t get it wrong.

It goes a little something like this:

Pick a word. Something that resonates with you, gets you excited, gives you the chills.

Declare it your word/theme of the year.

That’s all. 🙂

Once you’ve made your declaration the Universe, Life, the Idea Fairies, and all your other Unseen Friends do the rest.

Sometimes at the end of the year I can’t even remember my word. I’ll go back and search it out, and realize my whole year ended up being a 100% adventure in that word. It works every time. No matter what.

This year I was thinking about my word of the year. I was talking with a friend of mine. I was telling her how I wanted to feel, what I wanted to do, be, have this year, but I couldn’t come up with a word to describe it. A couple days later I woke up with the word. I knew it was the word. There was no question it was this year’s word. It just was.

word of the year ItsaWahmLife.com

It’s so interesting where the year is pulling me. I’ve spent the last couple years studying, learning, scratching the surface, and falling in love with the words/ideas I call “daily practices”. Kindness. Compassion. Love. Those kinds of words… this year, it is my intention to Embody them.

Embody: be an expression of or give a tangible
or visible form to an idea, quality, or feeling.

As this idea evolved it morphed into a year long journey into books and self discovery with the Year of Words Book Challenge. Each week will have its own word. Each week I will read a book somehow related or relevant to that word, take some sort of action related or relevant to the word, meditate, wallow in and embody the word of the week. (mmm… that feels soooo good!!)

It’s shaping up to be an interesting, and amazing year. If you’d like to join me in a Year of Words Book Challenge (it can be whatever you want it to look like for you… I’ll supply the weekly words, as well as some book ideas/recommendations, and some other goodies, like coloring pages for each word) join me! Stay connected, and get your goodies by filling out the form below.

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Join The Year of Words
Book Challenge!

The YOW Book Challenge is simple. Each week is a new word.  Choose a book that somehow relates to the word of the week. You can jump in this relaxed book challenge, no matter where we are in the year. Start with any word, any book, any week. It's up to you!

You will receive the full list of words as well as weekly word reminders, book recommendations and reviews... as well as some other goodies and a link to join the YOW Book Club to chat about and track your books.

What about you? Have you chosen a word of the year? I’d love to know what it is… share it with us in the comments, or come over to my  Fiercely Radiant Facebook group and share it with us there!

See you there!

jackie lee cookie

PS. If you love the idea of words and feelings guiding you on your journey you will LOVE The Desire Map. It will help you identify your “core desired feelings”, the 3-5 words/ideas/feelings you want to lead your life. It’s the one book that’s completely changed my world.

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