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Creating a Life in Balance ~Life, Business, Blog Makeover

Have you ever stopped, looked around and realized you weren’t exactly psyched where you’re at? That’s what’s been happening to me over the last few weeks. It’s interesting when you take things out and look at them what you come up with ~ and what you see is driving your actions.


Again I have looked around and noticed my house is a wreck, my kid’s still in her pajamas at 4pm, the dishes are spilling out of the sink and I can’t drag myself away from the computer. Yeah, I work from home, and have to be on the computer for my work, but I don’t think that is what’s driving this latest edition of all or nothing.

I had a complete “freak out” day, one of those rare days where everything I see, do, think brings me to tears. I was feeling lonely and alone, and frustrated that monetarily things hadn’t gone as well this month as they had been going.  I spent the whole day feeling pitiful and worrying.  (well I did manage to get the dishes done too).

I think this latest episode of work work work is based in fear ~ fear of not making “enough” money. Here’s the thing  I seem to have forgotten, when I was more in balance with work, family, household stuff and fun I was making way more money. So apparently my incessant “being at the computer” is not paying off in the ways I imagine it does.

I guess that’s what life is all about, going forward, taking inventory and adjusting. So I’m aware I’m wanting to be more balanced in my work life.


I’ve been finding my business life less and less satisfying.  Doing what I have been doing just isn’t fulfilling anymore ~ finding the perfect keyword, building a site and getting traffic is just not enough anymore. I want to serve, I want to be part of something bigger, part of a community. I’ve been doing this by teaching others, but that isn’t really a role that I’m feeling great about either.

With this realization I had to take some time and figure out what other options there were. I’ve been doing what I’m doing for years now ~ it’s what’s built my business!! This is a tough one, because I’m very prone to just throwing everything out and starting something totally new ~ (that all or nothing thing again lol). I have realized that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. I can keep what’s working of the old way as well as adding something new.


Which brings me to the blog makeover.

This blog has been a neglected element of my online life.  It has never been my primary focus ~ usually something extra that gets some attention when everything else is done. That’s about to change ~ all the feelings I’ve been having about not having a community, being isolated, can change with this blog and the other amazing communities of moms online.

I was looking around yesterday and realized there is an active and vibrant community of moms out there, blogging about their lives, their kids, their solutions ~ all the things I am interested in and talk about. I find it so easy to try to pigeon hole myself into a niche and think that’s the only thing I can talk about on any given blog ~ but with a “mom” blog I realized I can talk about all of it  ~ my life, my successes, my challenges, what I like, what I hate, and in the process meet some great people, have fun, and have time to balance the other elements of my life.

This is a totally different direction than any I’ve taken online before and I’m really looking forward to it! It seemed only right to give my blog a little makeover to celebrate our new relationship.  I don’t know exactly how this is all going to go ~ but I’m excited to find out. Let me know what you think about my new blog makeover ~ and if you’ve had a change in direction I’d love to hear how it worked out for you!

With that being said ~ I told Hanna I’d take her to the pool this afternoon so I better skeedaddle.

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