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5 Ways to Manage the Witching Hour… Without Becoming a Witch

If you’ve been a mom for any length of time you probably know exactly what  I mean by the “witching” hour. It’s that time of day where your kids seem to lose the plot, become cranky, and unreasonable. It’s also the time of day where you can easily become those things yourself!

The Witching hour may be different for every kid, but it comes like clockwork. I can look at my kiddo’s behavior and say “hey, it must be 4 o’clock”, and yep, it is … on the dot.  Over the last 5 years I’ve come up with some creative ways to manage these couple of hours, with my sanity intact, and come out the other side with a happy kiddo.

1. Stop working.

If you’re a work at home mom, like me, stop working during this time. You’re not going to get anything done, and you’re just going to get frustrated. Take an hour off and come back later if you’ve still got work to do.

2. Do something fun.

I’ve found that having something fun to do during this time can be the perfect way to change a little monster into something a little sweeter… now remember, this is the “fun stuff” they like to do… you know those games that make you want to scratch your eyes out… yeah, those.

3. Have a plan.

It’s very helpful for me to have a plan of action ahead of time. Some interesting ideas for things to do. When I’m in the thick of the witching hour it’s almost impossible for me to think straight and come up with some good ideas. I created this Kids Afternoon activities sheet, (feel free to download and use!) to help me plan out some things I can do with her during this time.

[Tweet “Have a witching hour plan… it’s almost impossible to have good ideas in the middle of it. “]

4. Get outside

Whether it’s hot or cold, windy or still… the fresh air seems to make a difference. Go for a walk, play on the swing set, throw the ball for the dog, just get outside! (plus the screaming can sound much quieter out in the open!)

5. Take a Bath

This is my best tip yet. There’s no reason why you have to take a bath after dinner! That’s the busiest time of our day, and the time when I’m most tired. There’s something about a bath that just melts away the irritability of the witching hour, and allows the ugly to just flow down the drain. My kiddo will stay in the tub forever if I let her, so I just let her play in the bubbles with her toys until she’s happy again. 🙂 Works like a champ every time.

So there you have 5 easy ways to manage the witching hour. I’d love to hear what you do to manage this time of day. It can be so challenging! Please, share your tips with me in the comments.

jackie lee

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5 Responses to 5 Ways to Manage the Witching Hour… Without Becoming a Witch

  1. Mid to late PMs is the worst time with my 12 yr old kiddo, too. His problem is he’s bored and wants to take over the computer! It always helps if I have some ideas for activities. We also gave him a chore list, he can choose any 4 each day to earn an hour of Playstation – that’s working out great!

    Maybe Hannah’s getting big enough that you can give her a chore to do? Something easy, that doesn’t require a lot of supervision, like sweep the back porch, or separate colors for the washer.

  2. I love the name: Witchy hour!! The bath works for us too. My princess gets excited and stop wining immediately. I find that reading a story for her is a great way as it distracts her and makes her less cranky!!
    Stopping by from Monday blog hop. I love your post. Very helpful. I shared it on twitter

  3. Great article! I have more than one witching hour with my 21 month old and it can be at random times during the day. I turn witchy at suppertime though. It’s very stressful especially since I usually leave for my part time job at 4:45 when my hubby gets home at 4:15. Those last 30 mins make me crazy!

  4. Cheryl says:

    Oof. The witching hour. I remember it well. When our twins were pre-toddlers…I think I have mentally blocked that time!

    Thankfully now, we employ some of your methods, with great success. Great post!

    Thank you so much for linking up with Makes My Monday…hope you will play along often!

  5. susie says:

    hi, i found your blog from monday mingle and your post caught my eye!
    i have a 2 year old who whoooo weee sure is tough at his witching hour!
    thanks for the tips!
    would love to have you stop by my blog

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