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Handling Treats at School… Need your thoughts!

As parents we try to minimize the amount of sugar that Hanna gets. I’m pushing toward eating more whole foods (foods with 5 or less ingredients), and trying to get rid of sugar and white flour as much as possible in our home.

The problem comes in at school…

I send Hanna a healthy, nutritious lunch every day.

Which she eats for the most part…

However, there are definitely behavior incentives that come in the form of sugary sweets. There also seems to be a lot of “special occasions” that include sweet treats. Today she came out with a lifesaver, and informed me they’d had sno cones in the gym as well.

I don’t want her to be the odd kid out… but I really don’t want her getting that much sugar every day.

I spoke with the teacher about the behavior incentives… but maybe I wasn’t clear. I don’t know.

I’m wondering…

If you’re a low/no sugar household…

How do you handle sweet treats at school?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject, and get some ideas on how I might handle this situation.


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5 Responses to Handling Treats at School… Need your thoughts!

  1. Kelly says:

    There is no reason on God’s green earth teachers should be handing out candy as rewards to kids. You can go to the dollar store and buy cheap-ass packs of sticker and little plastic toys that last a lot longer than a lifesaver and that kids like JUST as much, if not more.

    And I’ve been a teacher, all the way from preschool through high school, so I’m not just harping on teachers.

  2. My girls are at two different schools – one has a strict health and nutrition policy, the other one is non-existent – anything goes. I MUCH prefer the strict policy. If I want to give my kids crap, I should be able to do it at home, but when it’s taken out of my hands and happens at school, that’s upsetting.

    You might have to just accept it though and do your own personal policy at home. Either that, or go straight to the principal. See how she responds. You never know.

  3. Lisa Leake says:

    We give our daughters a quarter each time they “turn in” a piece of candy from school or a party. Once they fill up their quarter cups we take them to the dollar store to buy whatever they want! This works well during Halloween too.

    • Jackie Lee says:

      Hi Lisa,
      Thanks so much for stopping by… I think this is similar to how we’re going to handle it. I told her she can turn in the candy ~ put it in a big container, and at the end of each month she can trade each piece of candy for money to buy a new Barbie or horse or book ~ or whatever she wants. I was trying to figure out what a good amount would be for each piece of candy… this is a great idea for Halloween too! (and all the local fairs where they throw candy during the parade lol)

  4. Demi says:

    I totally agree with you I rather give my children crap instead of the school giving crap to my children. I just would like to control what my children are eating/drinking.

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