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30 Day Water Challenge! Who’s In?!

Water is my friend. I know this. I feel so much better when I drink water. I lose weight so much more easily. My skin looks better… I’m an all around happier person.

And yet… water seems to be the first thing that starts to slide when I start slipping back into bad habits. Which is exactly what’s been happening the last week or two… my workouts slid a little, my pop intake increased a little, and my water intake… almost non existent. 🙁

But… let’s not dwell on the negative! Let’s find a way to solve the problem!

My good friend Pepper from over at Pepper Scraps asked me the other day if I might be interested in doing a 30 day water challenge with her for the month of July. (ask and ye shall receive right?!)

I am all over it! Pepper is a wonderful graphics person and she put together this awesome pic up above, as well as putting together a fantastic 30 day water challenge printable so you can easily keep track of your daily water intake.

Water Challenge Printable

Here’s how it’s going to work…

Every day for the month of July we’re going to drink 64 oz of water! BAM. That’s 8, 8oz glasses, or if you’re like me 2 of my gigantic (got it while in labor) big ole cups with a lid and a handle!

We all know how good water is for our bodies… so who’s with me?!

Jump on the challenge… leave me a comment to say you’re in or better yet, friend me on Facebook and shoot me a message! We’re going to be doing some check ins, and fun water facts over on Pepper’s facebook page ~ and I’ll be doing some accountability and encouragement in my Strong Women Rock group (feel free to join if you haven’t already!) as well… decide where you want to hang out and connect, and let’s do this!

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One Response to 30 Day Water Challenge! Who’s In?!

  1. Maggie Owens says:

    I’m in. I’m not a big water drinker, but let me tell you, after my first work out with my trainer at the gym I think I need to get me a bigger water bottle.

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