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Thriving is as Natural As Breathing Itself . . .

Thriving is as natural as breathing itself. By relaxing often and breathing deeply, your natural thriving is enhanced.


Thriving is as natural as breathing ~ I’m breathing that one in for a minute.

I look at my life and I wonder if it’s true. I look at Hanna and know it must be.  I mean jeez ~ 3 years ago she was this little tiny 6 pound bundle ~ Now she is this beautiful blue eyed, blonde haired 26 lb individual. She thrives ~ it takes no effort on her part (or mine for that matter), she just thrives. She learns every day, she grows (emotionally and physically) every day and minus random temper tantrums she is in good spirits moving through this world.

Me on the other hand ~ thriving takes work ~ it takes remembering ~ it takes work ~ what happen to it just being natural? I think over the years we gather/collect thoughts/beliefs that stand in the way of our thriving. It’s those beliefs and thoughts that make us forget that thriving is natural. I think the real work in this is to REMEMBER that thriving is as natural as breathing.

I think breathing ~ might be part of that remembering lol. Sometimes it takes some effort to remember to breathe. And when I remember it’s amazing how restorative breath can be.

So if thriving is as natural as breathing ~ and relaxing and breathing deeply enhance my natural thriving it would be logical to think that taking more time to relax and breath deeply would lead to more thriving (both emotionally and monetarily) I would imagine.

Soooo. . . let’s assume for a moment this is true ~ that would mean that all this go go go mentality I have so effectively fostered all these years is probably counter productive to my natural thriving.  It still confuses/confounds me ~ how I can achieve more by doing less. This is a pretty big belief I’ve got going on. Although I have seen glimpses of the truth in this thought when I really focus on taking more time to breath and relax, I easily fall back into old habits only to realize what I’ve done months later.

I think this is a topic that deserves some tapping.  I’m gonna go tap tap tap. . . feel free to leave your thoughts. It’s an incredible journey and I love support/feedback.

PS. I’m also thinking about joining Bob Doyle’s Weath Beyond Reason program ~ I would love any feedback from those of you who have taken it.

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