As a deschooling family, with a kiddo who is resistant to just about anything that looks like “school” we had to figure out a different, more fun way to learn presidential facts. A big fat list of facts to memorize just wasn’t going to cut it. So… we enlisted the help of a couple of election books, and their corresponding audio books. I wasn’t sure if these books were going to be any more than just a fun little read, but it turned out they were jam packed with presidential facts, and information about how the elections work.
The Kid Who Ran for President.

Published by Scholastic Paperbacks on June 1st 2012
Genres: Middle Grade
Pages: 176
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The return of Dan Gutman's sharp, funny farce about the youngest candidate to ever run for President of the United States -- updated just in time for the 2012 election!
"Hi! My name is Judson Moon. I'm twelve years old and I'm running for President of the YOU-nited States."
That's how I introduced myself to about a zillion people. I must have kissed a zillion babies, said a zillion hellos, shaken a zillion hands . . . Will I get a zillion votes? The answer might surprise you.
Can you picture a kid as President? Imagine what we can accomplish -- together -- in a country where parents listen. Where teachers give no homework. Where every lawmaker obeys a single kid -- me! How am I going to pull this off? Who knows! Read the book to find out.
This is the book we started with. 12 year old Judson Moon, and his friend decide he should run for president. It’s just a goof to Judson, but his friend Lane takes it seriously, and as his campaign manager, walks Judson through the process. You might immediately see a problem with a 12 year old running for president, but it’s just that kind of “little issue” that allows this book to share so many election facts, without beating you over the head with them. They are all part of the story, and weaved into it so well you don’t even realize you’re getting a civics lesson. 😉
My kiddo prefers to read along with audio books, so we make use of most of our time in the car by listening to the books she’s reading. I’ll tell you there were plenty of days when we pulled in the driveway and sat for a bit to hear the end of a chapter to see how Judson got himself out of some of the sticky situations he found himself in. If you’re looking to learn more about the election process, in this, very interesting, election year, The Boy Who Ran for President is definitely a great addition to your studies.

Published by Scholastic Paperbacks on October 1st 2000
Genres: Middle Grade
Pages: 223
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Just in time for election season, Dan Gutman's hugely popular sequal to THE KID WHO RAN FOR PRESIDENT is back. Humor, adventure, and excitement will draw kids into the world of white house politics.
Judson Moon has done a big flip-flop. Immediately after being elected President of the United States, he resigned. Now, after a heart-to-heart with his running mate (and ex-babysitter) June Syers, Judd has decided to take office after all: He wants to make a difference. Being President is anything but easy. Between dealing with a crazed South American dictator and people who are trying to kill him, Judson starts to wonder if it wouldn't be better just to go back to being a kid in Madison, Wisconsin. But with a lot of help from his friends, Judson might just figure everything out.
Well, I guess we gave away the ending of the last book huh? I wasn’t sure if this book would stack up to the first, but it totally did. So Judson and Lane managed to get themselves to the White House. We’re introduced to some new characters, including a Secret Service agent, and a long standing Chief Usher of the White House. It is this Usher, Honeywell, who provides so many of the amazing facts that shine through in this book. A 13 year old boy, who happens to be the President, still has a lot of learning left to do about the job of President and how government works! Again, this book weaves facts into the story so seamlessly you don’t even know you’re getting a history lesson. I have been surprised a couple times when my daughter shared a fact she’d heard from this book in other conversations, so it definitely seems to be sinking in.
These books have been so enjoyable, not only has Hanna learned a ton, but so have I, and it was all completely painless! I’m not saying these books are a full curriculum, but just wait until you read the part where Lane teaches Judson all the history he needs to know from the last 200 years in 10 minutes. 😉 You’ll be pretty amazed! Oh, and you won’t believe how this one ends either. 😉
I definitely recommend these two election books by Dan Gutman as a fun and informative way to add a little civics, history and a few presidential facts into your school day.