I saw a review of this book recently that made me really want to read it. It’s really new, and I knew our library wouldn’t have it, but I was quite surprised to find the TotalBoox app through the Kansas State Library DID have it! Woo hoo!

Published by Tyrus Books on June 4th 2016
Genres: Fiction
Pages: 288
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Everything is falling apart in Tig Monahan's life. Her mother's memory is going (dementia), her boyfriend is gone (Hawaii), her absent sister shows up long enough to have a baby (and then leaves again, without the baby) and her job as a therapist has disappeared after a contentious couples' therapy session goes horribly and honestly sideways. Oh, and then there's the whole thing about the family secret that nobody saw coming.
But Tig is a survivor (she hopes) who manages to stumble and step her way to a new job, new truths, new outlooks and a new lease on life.
What drew me to this book was the previous reviewers comment that this book walks that wonderful fine line between being “heavy” and being “fluff”. It’s a fun book, but it’s meaty, but not too meaty. It’s still an easy, enjoyable read. That’s what sent me on the hunt… and she was so right.
At first when I read the description I wondered how you could create a light hearted book out of such heavy topics, but Ann Garvin does just that! I’d find myself tearing up on one page and literally laughing out loud on the next, then shaking my head on the next. This was an easy book to read, but it’s not a fluffy beach read. This would be a great book to choose for a book club meeting. There’s plenty to discuss, but everyone would have an easy enough time getting through it.
I find myself, generally, siding with one character over others, in most books, but in this one, I found myself switching “teams” frequently. I actually really liked that. It meant to me the author was writing so clear, and well that I could really clearly see the perspective of all the characters, and could get behind them in their part of the story.
All in all, I found this a completely enjoyable read, with delightful characters I wanted to hug for the most part, though there were a few times I wanted to shake a couple of them to their senses. If you’re looking for a book to read this Summer I highly recommend this one.

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