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Using Facebook to Create New Connections

I have to say I’m a Facebook Convert.. I used to not be super fond of hate facebook… it’s not very intuitive and I found it difficult to find things and connect with people…

However ~ after putting a little time and energy into figuring out how it works (and I’m sure they’ll change everything again tomorrow) 😉 I’m really starting to love it!

I wanted to talk about how I use facebook to create connections, build relationships and my business… all without being a spammer. 🙂

Listen… I know, it’s easy to get sucked into thinking that throwing posts on your wall about how great your business is, and how you’re only taking 5 new people… yada yada… but in all reality ~ no one wants to be talked to like that… and that’s really just spam. 🙁 I know, you see other people doing it, and think it must work or why would they do it… it doesn’t ~ so stop yourself, if you’re having a weak moment send me a message and we’ll get you off that ledge!

So how DO you make great connections on facebook?!

1. Post inspirational stuff…

People like to be around positive people. They like to be around people who will lift them up, not drag them down. So no matter how crappy a day you’ve had… try to stay positive. Go to your profile page and look at what’s there… people will check out your profile to learn about you ~ and what they see (what you’ve posted) will set the first impression… you want it to feel good.

2. Join groups and connect…

There are tons and tons of groups on facebook. Depending what your business is you can join groups that are directly related to your niche, or you can join groups where people are talking about things you’re interested in ~ which can lead to a deeper relationship where you can then talk about your business.

Make sure you go into groups looking for a connection, not just to blast your opportunity everywhere. If you can provide value, it improves your image as a leader… people flock to leaders. Value can be something as simple as a positive quote… answering a question that’s been asked… asking a question that you need answered. There’s tons of ways to provide value… but just telling everyone how great what you’ve got is ~ not so much.

3. Use the messaging system…

Not to send out messages about how great your company or product is… no. Send a message to people asking to get to know them, ask them about themselves, ask them what they do. Will everyone respond. NOPE. They won’t… and that’s totally ok! Connect and deepen the conversation with the people who do reply.

Make sure if you’re in business you CHECK your messages on facebook… if someone takes the time to send you a message ~ even a spammy message about how awesome their business is ~ it’s worth taking the time to reply and get to know them. Even though they may be sending out spammy messages (which may make you think that strategy is working… I can guarantee it’s not… and you can talk to them about business… what’s working for you, not working for you. This approach makes you look like a leader (which you ARE baby!) It will also have people coming to YOU asking you what you do. Which gives you even MORE people to connect with, in a totally NON spammy way.

4. Use your status updates to create conversation…

Here’s an example… yesterday I posted a status update about how Hanna and I are going to put together a book. I couldn’t remember the name of the site where you can self publish so I asked for some resources. It turned into a huge conversation with a bunch of people helping out… people I had never even interacted with before… they saw people they KNOW commenting and joined the conversation.

From this wonderful conversation I got not only the answer to my problem, but I added 2 new people to my group, and had a private conversation with at least 3 of the people involved! I connected with NEW people… and that’s what it’s all about!

5. Capitalize on those conversations…

It’s great to create a conversation like I did yesterday but the trick is to capitalize on those conversations… don’t just let them slide into oblivion. Connect with those people. Right click on the people who have “liked” your status or have commented, and hit “open in a new tab”… then you can go to their profile, learn a little about them, send them a message. Thank them for participating in the conversation, ask them a questions… whatever you want to do, but continue to deepen that connection that’s been created!

There you go… 5 of my very favorite ways to use facebook to create new connections… when you remember that facebook at its ROOT… is a SOCIAL platform, not a selling platform you’ll be much better off. Just keep connecting with people… through those connections they will invariably say “what do you do?!” and then you can tell them. (in one sentence, not a 5 page dissertation… and that’s a topic for yet another blog post!)

What about you? What’s your favorite way to create new connections on Facebook? If you’d like more tips, or you’d like to connect join my Facebook group! Wahm Life… How to Make Working from Home Work for You! (it’s a closed group… just ask to join and I’ll approve you) 🙂

Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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One Response to Using Facebook to Create New Connections

  1. I love it! Great tips…and the reminder that it’s not a selling platform but a social one! Facebook has been a great way to build my business…without having to be a “salesperson” and turning off my network!

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