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Spring Blizzard and a Toddler Energy Switch

Just about every month we go down to Tulsa to see my husband’s family and son. This past weekend we was that weekend. In addition, my husband’s sister and her toddler daughter were up from Texas.

We has planned to go down Friday morning and come back on Saturday afternoon. However, Thursday evening there was news a blizzard was on the way. We decided if we were going to get there we had better leave early. We made plans to get all the animals taken care of, packed up real fast and headed on down.

My husband’s parents recently bought some new furniture and decided to give us their sectional. Ryan’s (the hubby) is very excited, as he’s had his eye on that sectional for a while. So we also had to pull the big ole trailer down.

No problems on the way down, and in Tulsa all it did was rain most of the day Friday, then Saturday morning it started snowing and snowing and snowing. Big FAT flakes. I called home Saturday afternoon to see what was happening up here.

My neighbor informed me that instead of a blizzard we’d had a terrible ice storm. All the trees were bent to the ground, covered with ice. Which is especially sad since most of them had already budded and had little leaves on them. The ice had also knocked out the power.

We decided to stay put. The house in Tulsa was nice and warm. We were worried about our new chicks, since they no longer had their heat lamps with no electricity. But decided the safest course of action was to stay put.

Sunday morning comes around. Tulsa is blanketed in about 6 inches of really wet snow. We had to shovel the driveway and walkways to get be able to get the trailer in, and then we moved a 6 piece sectional. Oh, and Ryan’s mom also gave us a full sized bed for Miss Hanna. (We’re going to try to get her off her futon on the floor and into a bed), we were also sent home with a coffee table. (It’s all one piece so there’s no crevices for playdough, and paint, and milk to spill down in and get all nasty).

While we were packing up the trailer, Hanna was making “snow castles” with her aunt and cousin. They each had a coffee mug and a spatula. She was having a blast. Then she decided to make a snow angel. Her very first. Once she got laid out in the snow I think she had second thoughts about that plan though lol.

We finally headed back, the roads were fine, in fact, it was 65 degrees by the time we got back here, the snow was mostly melted and there were minimal signs anything at all had happened. Except of course, we had no power.

No worries, my build it husband has a generator, so it was just a matter of getting it hooked up and running and life will be pretty much back to normal.

While he was working on that Hanna and I made a couple tiny snowmen from one last snow drift. She tromped through the “rivers” left by tire tracks in the driveway. We checked the garden ~ which I think is going to be ok.

At some point mistakes were made and Ryan managed to fry the furnace while hooking up the generator.  In addition, the TV upstairs and a clock were fried as well.

This made my husband very upset.  I had a nice opportunity to teach Hanna a little about ANGRY, and how to appropriately display your anger lol. Anyway, in the midst of this outburst my husband was having Hanna and I were just sitting on the couch. She was wrapped up in a blanket laying on my lap. My husband is banging around the house, stomping in and out, banging stuff.

I’m stroking Hanna’s hair and she looks up and me and says:

What a beautiful day.

She then proceeded to name all the things she had fun doing that day. Talk about an instant energy switch. It is so amazing to me, that even though there was so much angry energy surrounding her, she still saw the “beautiful” in this day. 🙂 It was nice, because I was also able to separate from the angry energy and look at all we had to be grateful for this day and appreciate it.

Oh the power came on a few minutes after this ~ which made my husband even angrier, because we didnt’ even need the generator.

But Hanna and I were still buzzing on our positive energy. I think even a little rubbed off on him. 🙂

We’re linking up with (Don’t Be) Too Timid and Squeamish for this post!

(Don't Be) Too Timid and Squeamish

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One Response to Spring Blizzard and a Toddler Energy Switch

  1. Great story! Thanks for linking up.

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