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How Do You Change Your Energy? My 3 Favorite Ways

Although I wish it were, in my life, every day is not always perfect, wether that’s emotionally or physically or kid wise, or husband wise ~ but I still have to get up and do what I gotta do right?

This is a really hard thing when you work from home. You don’t have anyone over your shoulder telling you “Get to work now”. You have to find the motivation from within.  So what do you do on those days when you get irritated, or pissed, or just completely unmotivated?

Some days I just say forget it and take the day off, but I can’t always do that. What I do know is my work goes much smoother, quicker and easier when I’m in the right frame of mind. So then it comes down to being able to pivot out of a “bad” mood and into something better.

Here are some of my favorite tricks.

1. John Mayer. Don’t know what it is about his music but it has an almost instant transformative effect. We have an entire John Mayer playlist at YouTube.  The first song mellows me out a little then a couple songs in “No Such Thing” plays and that song just rocks my world, and I get up and dance around the living room with Hanna. A little John Mayer is a definite mood changer.

2. Take a walk. Sometimes it’s as simple as going out to let the chickens out, sometimes it’s a walk up and down the road. Sometimes we take the wagon and go looking for treasures. It all depends on the “depth” of the pivot I need to make.

3. EFT. This one works great, when I remember. 🙂 It works great on just about anything. What’s fun for me is it works best when you really get into the emotion and that whole snowball conversation you make up in your head is the best way to do EFT. So instead of just having the conversation, or playing it out in your mind, tap as you go. It’s also a great way to start the day to avoid needing to pivot in the first place 😉 Here’s one of my favorite EFT videos to start my day with.

I’d love to hear how you pivot to get to a place where you can sit down and be productive ~ feel free to leave you pivoting techniques in the comment section.

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