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Claiming Your Expert Status

As women, and moms it can be difficult to stand in the middle of our strengths and toot our own horns that we ROCK something…

A couple days ago I was on facebook and someone asked a question about wordpress… one of the members of the group came forward and said this:

I was like WOW… that is so awesome.

Who do you know that shows up with the confidence to stand in their brilliance and claim it for all the world to see?

It got me thinking…

Where in my life, and my business can I stand up and say

“I would without hesitation call myself a _______________ expert.”

When I figured that out, and was confident enough in myself to actually say it out loud, and stand in that brilliance, what kind of change would that make in my business?

I’m eagerly testing out and trying on different things. I will find a place where I can stand in my brilliance and state without reservation or hesitation my expertise.

What about you? Where can you stand in your brilliance and without hesitation calmly, clearly, and brightly share with the world you’re expertise?

Can’t think of anything? Don’t think you’re an expert? Wouldn’t dream of standing in that spotlight? Why not? What would it take to get your there? What would you have to BELIEVE to get to that space?

Tell me… I want to know. 🙂

Image: jscreationzs / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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2 Responses to Claiming Your Expert Status

  1. Jackie,

    I am an expert Rocky Road ice cream eater. Does that count?

    Actually, I am starting to think I am BECOMING an expert in blogging. I know a lot but not as much as you. I feel confident to give advice. I just need to hone in on more of the blogging jargon. Now, this does not include technical stuff. I cannot fix coding issues and such. But I know enough about all the rest. Someday I will get to expert status.

    BTW, I am an expert flip flop wearing. It’s not raining, I’ve got my flippies on. LOL.


    • Jackie Lee says:

      Awesome Allie! Just remember to be considered an expert you really only need to know a little more than most of the people… and if you think about it… not many people (in the scheme of things) know much about blogging. So I’d hazzard a guess, doing it as long as you have been now, you’re already an expert. 😀

      Hell yeah rocky road and flip flop wearing COUNT!! 🙂

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