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How to Crush It On Social Media Simply By Being YOU.

Over the weekend I got an email from yet another blogger who’d been hit by Panda and Penguin, and was requesting me to remove links they’d hired someone to create for them by commenting on a bunch of blogs. The request, unlike most, was so polite I actually went through and removed all his links. All in all, there were over 30 links, all with the same exact keywords in the title.

I emailed him to let him know I’d removed the links and we ended up in a conversation and as always… the question came up. Did you get hit by Panda and Penguin? Did your organic traffic plummet?

Um. No.

Because I gave up on Google long ago. I absolutely HATED having to build links, and jump through google hoops to get traffic. The reason I blog is to connect with people, to move people, to get people thinking… not to make a bunch of links that no one is ever going to see. 🙂

No, a couple years back my strategy completely changed. I decided to go with what was easy for me, to go with what was FUN! Guess what?! It totally worked.

It still kind of freaks me out when I check my stats and I’m getting little to no traffic from search… but the thing is, my numbers are higher than they’ve ever been. 🙂 It all comes from BEING ME. Yep… just from being me, out loud, in public (well Facebook mostly).

I see a ton of people marketing on facebook… well actually I see people using their profile to ADVERTISE on facebook. That’s not what facebook is about. No one goes to facebook to get advertised to. Funny… these are the same exact people who I hear saying Facebook doesn’t work to build a business and drive traffic and sell things. HA. Totally not true. I’ve built at least 95% of my business… from using facebook.

So, there must be a trick then right? 

Yep, you guessed it.

There is. It’s called the art of being you. That’s the secret. 

A lot of people make it way more complicated than it needs to be, let me tell you. Marketing on social media is probably one of the simplest things you can do… because what you have to do on social media is exactly what you do every day of your life. Be you.

So… for this week’s team call Niamh and I decided to break down the art and mechanics of being you… and showed the team exactly how you being you can create incredible wealth, quickly, easily and with tons of fun and connection.

This is our Rebel team call… however, we don’t believe in closed doors. We want people to succeed whether they’re on our team, in our business, or on someone else’s team or in some other business completely. So, grab a cup of coffee… you’re in for a fun hour. 🙂

and… you might want to grab a notebook, there were some things even I had to write down. 🙂

Click the link below to take a listen…

The Art and Mechanics of Being You for Fun and Profit

oh… the first 8 minutes or so we had a bad connection… just swoop past that part and it gets clear. 🙂

Once you’ve listened you may find yourself wanting to know more about The Rebels, and how you can be on this team of unstoppable entrepreneurs.

Learn more here:

Or, if you know you’re ready to change your life… join the team. Lock arms with us.

We’ll provide support and training and we’ll be there with you as you travel on your freedom journey. 🙂

Have an amazing day ~

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One Response to How to Crush It On Social Media Simply By Being YOU.

  1. Gotta start taking advantage of social media. It’s there for a reason.

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