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How to Set Yourself Apart from The Crowd and Make Awesome Videos


As an affiliate marketer it’s important that you set yourself apart from the pack. I mean, if people can buy what you’re selling from you or a million other affiliates why would they or should they buy it from you.

Short answer: because YOU’RE YOU!

But you have to be willing to share that with the world. As you grow your online community your tribe will begin to seek out your opinion, they will want to know what you think, and they will, in fact, seek out your affiliate link to buy something from you when they need it. They may very well send you an email to make sure you got credit for their purchase #truestory

Creating this kind of community is possible when you allow yourself to stand out. One of the best ways to do this is to create videos. Yep, it can be crazy scary, but if you give yourself up to the process you may find it’s a lot more fun than you thought!

I thought I’d share some tips from one of my favorite video marketers… he’s my “go to” guy when it comes to learning everything about video marketing.

Action Step: Your “task” for this week… do one video. If it’s your first, jump in and do it. If you’ve done it before but not in a while… do it. Video is a game changer… time to change your game.

reel marketing insider

Make sure you share a link to your video with me in the comments! I want to see it!

jackie lee

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