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I Nearly Fainted. She Told Me To Blog Less. Live More.


I’ve been a work at home mom for 8 years now.

Every year I’ve treated Summer vacation pretty much like any other time of the year. I’ve made time for the pool on Fridays, and to run my kiddo to horse camp 5 days straight… but it’s still been business first.

Yesterday I was talking to a friend. I was feeling funky about some life stuff. I was wallowing and feeling really far away from my core desired feelings.

My first instinct?

Start a new blog. 😉 Yeppers. My first thought, when things are going wrong is start something new that makes me feel excited again.

My dear dear friend looked me in the eyes (we were on a google video hangout) and said, in a stern, but loving voice…

“You know, you like to start new things.”

I looked at her, and immediately knew where this conversation was going. I wistfully said… “yeah, I really do like to start new things.” *sigh*

You see, I had this big plan to get back to my core desired feelings, feel good, get stuff around the house done, create a living environment I love… accomplish all this great stuff I have on my “be, do have” list.

The conversation continued and with the help of this wise woman I realized I didn’t have to start something new to get back to feeling good.

One of her best suggestions was: blog less.

Huh? What? NO. Must blog daily. The mantra of the last 2 years immediately stream rolled through my brain.

It was an avalanche of yeah buts, oh, no ways,  and that’ll never works. A plethora of  I’ve got to be working to make money, and in front of the computer for it to work and a hundred other completely untrue crazy ass rules I’ve made up and decided to believe.

I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Yes. That’s exactly what I’ll do.

I will stick with the grand plan for the summer. I’ll do all the things I want to do. I’ll be free. I’ll have adventures. I’ll fall in love with my kiddo all over again. I’ll swim. I’ll garden. I’ll cook. I’ll laugh. I’ll play. I’ll have fun.

I’ll blog less.

But how?

How do I run a successful business that makes me feel radiant, unleashed and alive, while helping my readers find simplicity and ease in creating their own successful life and biz?

How does it work?!


(no not bitching… that never gets you anywhere lol)

Yep. I can actually cut down my posting schedule.. and only put out great stuff. Do it all at once. Schedule it to go out. Schedule my social media sharing… which leaves me completely available to connect with my kiddo and do all the dreamy stuff I want to do to feel really good… and respond via phone to my business.

#boom. #nojoke

Now let’s get back to this “start something new to feel good” thing.

Yeah. I love this blog. This blog is awesome. And… the way it’s set up (the secret weapon to successful blogging) makes it perfect for those of us who are constantly growing and evolving.

Instead of starting something new, I’m going to give this place a little face-lift. Maybe some new colors. I’m reading this very cool book about how color affects people ~ it’s helping me make decisions. Maybe change the sidebars around. (I’m reading this other very cool book about heat maps, and how people see and interact with your website).

[Tweet “Instead of turning away from this site I’m going to lean into it and we’re going to grow together. “]

So… this summer all will seem the same to you, (because I’ll be batching and scheduling everything) and yet, I won’t be at my desk. I’ll be out and about adventuring,  having fun in the world and living. 🙂

My dear friend reminded me of an experiment I did recently, when I had a crazy week… and how well it worked. It’s probably the only thing that made this crazy blog less idea even possible in my head. And isn’t it funny how quickly we forget awesome stuff we’ve done?!

So… eek. It’s going to be a Summer Experiment. #BlogLessLiveMore

With less time to work I’m going to focus my social media sharing as well. I will be mostly on Twitter and Facebook this summer. Follow me on twitter for awesome content and resources to help you upgrade your life, feel inspired and excited about the possibilities, and to find simplicity and ease in both life and biz. Follow (or friend) me on Facebook for the latest and greatest pics and commentary on life with less blogging and more living. 🙂 #blogworkshop will continue! You’ll find it on my G+ profile every Monday at 10a Central, and you’ll be able to ask questions and make comments from there.

I can’t wait to create an epic summer… and I wish the same for you as well. If you decide to do a Summer #bloglesslivemore Experiment let me know! I’m sure at some point my blogger brain is going to kick in and I’m going to need support to stay off the laptop! 🙂

Here’s to creating an epic summer!

jackie lee

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3 Responses to I Nearly Fainted. She Told Me To Blog Less. Live More.

  1. Kelly says:

    That’s a pretty awesome friend you’ve got there. 😀

  2. Jake Guy says:

    Hi Jackie!

    Great post! I enjoyed your insights and exellent info on blogging. I am new to the online business field myself but I am really enjoying it and appreciate learning from others who have found success like yourself. All the best and i wish you an awesome summer.


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