As much as I love books I love TV just as much. We live in the middle of nowhere, have no cable, and used to have 5 channels to watch. We had to watch our favorite shows at the time they were on or we were just S.O.L. It was a nightmare. (Yeah, I know, First World Problems and all).
Then came Hulu. This was awesome. My husband works crazy hours, and we were finally not trapped by the broadcasting schedule.We could watch our favorite shows, together, later, or even over the weekend!
Then came Hulu Plus, and the Showtime addon. For years I heard my friends talking about Homeland. I wanted to watch it so bad, but had no access to Showtime. Until Hulu Plus partnered with them… YAY!! They happened to have a free weekend when it was first available. We made the mistake of watching the first episode of Homeland. I was hooked!
We binge watched Homeland, now I’m binge watching Shameless (eeek… I’m on the last season, and then I’m going to only watch one a week). We also watch Billions, and House of Lies. We also watch our favorite network shows, on our own time. In fact, last night we caught up on Castle, and the night before Quantico, and Blind Spot.
So yes, as Hulu used to say.. “For the love of TV” it’s definitely #myhappyplace 🙂
What’s your favorite show you watch on Hulu?

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We just got Netflix and Hulu! It’s lovely. I’m enjoying shows I never even know who existed! 🙂
Happy A to Z ing! Yay, the weekend’s here! 🙂
Ninga Minion @YolandaRenee from
Defending The Pen
Murderous Imaginings
We have netflix and amazon prime now… we love them both as well… but they don’t start with H. 🙂
My daughter is a devoted Hulu fan. No more cable for her.
Beth Lapin
Activities for a Good Life