You’ve probably seen “Fifty Shades of Chicken” on the Best Seller’s list over at Amazon, and wondered if it was worth the time or money. Today I’m going to tell you. 🙂

Published by Clarkson Potter on November 13th 2012
Genres: Cook Book
Pages: 160
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Dripping Thighs, Sticky Chicken Fingers, Vanilla Chicken, Chicken with a Lardon, Bacon-Bound Wings, Spatchcock Chicken, Learning-to-Truss-You Chicken, Holy Hell Wings, Mustard-Spanked Chicken, and more, more, more! Fifty chicken recipes, each more seductive than the last, in a book that makes every dinner a turn-on. “I want you to see this. Then you’ll know everything. It’s a cookbook,” he says and opens to some recipes, with color photos. “I want to prepare you, very much.” This isn’t just about getting me hot till my juices run clear, and then a little rest. There’s pulling, jerking, stuffing, trussing. Fifty preparations. He promises we’ll start out slow, with wine and a good oiling . . . Holy crap. “I will control everything that happens here,” he says. “You can leave anytime, but as long as you stay, you’re my ingredient.” I’ll be transformed from a raw, organic bird into something—what? Something delicious. So begins the adventures of Miss Chicken, a young free-range, from raw innocence to golden brown ecstasy, in this spoof-in-a-cookbook that simmers in the afterglow of E.L. James’s sensational Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. Like Anastasia Steele, Miss Chicken finds herself at the mercy of a dominating man, in this case, a wealthy, sexy, and very hungry chef.
And before long, from unbearably slow drizzling to trussing, Miss Chicken discovers the sheer thrill of becoming the main course. A parody in three acts—“The Novice Bird” (easy recipes for roasters), “Falling to Pieces” (parts perfect for weeknight meals), and “Advanced Techniques” (the climax of cooking)—Fifty Shades of Chicken is a cookbook of fifty irresistible, repertoire-boosting chicken dishes that will leave you hungry for more.
With memorable tips and revealing photographs, Fifty Shades of Chicken will have you dominating dinner.
“Fifty Shades of Chicken, a Parody in a Cookbook” adds an unexpected and sometimes hilarious culinary slant to E.L. James’ hugely popular fictional “Fifty Shades” trilogy. Originally published in November 2012, this popular cookbook has been featured by as a “Best of the Month” selection and is available in both hard copy and digital formats. As of this writing it has a 4.8 out of 5 star rating, with the lowest ratings more about the book itself than the recipes.
As a closet fan of the original series, I was intrigued with this cookbook. (Even though I’m on a cookbook moratorium). The cover itself made me laugh, and wonder if the recipes inside stacked up.
Before I get started with this review, let’s get something clear upfront… this is not your typical ho hum chicken cookbook. Take a look and see what I mean… (Not exactly safe for work)
See what i mean? This isn’t your average “teach-me-to-cook” cookbook. This is more a work of racy literary fiction wrapped around an intriguing – and delicious – culinary foundation. It’s an interesting and engaging combination and as the saying goes… sometimes you need to entertain in order to educate.
So, what can you expect when you buy this book? Well, the description on Amazon much says it all:
“Dripping Thighs, Sticky Chicken Fingers, Vanilla Chicken, Chicken with a Lardon, Bacon-Bound Wings, Spatchcock Chicken, Learning-to-Truss-You Chicken, Holy Hell Wings, Mustard-Spanked Chicken, and more, more, more!”
Need I say more? The tone of the book is clearly established in the description, so don’t think you’re getting regular old… what you need, what you do, recipes. If you don’t have a bit of a sense of humor, or are ok with a little bit of raciness, I’d suggest you avoid this cook book. However, if you loved the 50 Shades trilogy, and a good sense of humor, you’ll be excited to know that behind the naughty names are surprisingly good chicken recipes that you should be able to recreate at home without any problem. If the concept behind this book appeals to your sense of humor, you may find it to be a great resource to add to your collection.
As a cookbook, “Fifty Shades of Chicken” is neither huge nor intimidating. It offers 50 solid chicken recipes, plus plenty of nice photographs. Woven throughout are numerous short stories and references to the original books. Fans of the fictional trilogy are more likely to appreciate these more than the uninitiated, but the clever writing style still resonates. It’s a cookbook filled with great recipes and it is well worth the 12 bucks in entertainment value alone.
Grab your copy from Amazon now.

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