What You Need:
1 dozen hard boiled eggs, peeled, washed and cut in half
1/2 c mayonnaise
1 tbsp mustard
1 tsp. red hot sauce
1 (6 oz) can white crab meat, drained
(make sure this is real crab meat, not imitation crab meat… which is filled with carbs!)
1/4 c red onion, chopped very fine
How to Make It:
Remove the yolk from each egg half and place in a bowl.
Add the mayo, mustard, hot sauce, onion and crab meat and blend well. If you use a fork you can easily mash the yolks and combine the ingredients.
Fill each egg white half with the crab mixture. **
Refrigerate until ready to use.
Sprinkle with a little paprika before eating.
Use any filling you have left over as a dip for fresh vegetables.
I did not use the onions in the pictures… my people refuse to eat anything with raw onions in them, though I do think it would have made these even BETTER than they were… and they were super yummy. 🙂
** There are many ways to fill your eggs, my favorite is using a 1 tbsp scoop, like this one.

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