We live in Kansas. Our home is surrounded on all 4 sides by wheat fields. We see a LOT of combines running around this time of the year.
Last night one of the local farmers came by and asked if my hubby could drive a combine for him for harvest. He said yes, and took off to be “farmer Lee” about 8pm last night. I don’t know what time he got home, it was well after I was asleep I’m sure. He was up bright and early again to get back out in the big green combine.
- Image by pesotum74 via Flickr
This is all very exciting news for Hanna. She LOVES combines. Every time we see a combine in a field or on the road, she points and yells ~ “There’s a combine!!”
(which on a side note, makes me giggle a little. I wonder how many 3 years olds in America know what a combine is)
So today Ryan invited us to come over and let her ride in the combine with him. She was pretty excited about it. But I wondered because as the combine came toward us from the field (a pretty long way out in the field still) she started screaming it was gonna get her and to get her out of there!
But when Daddy got down and helped her up she was all about it. She not only got to help him cut the wheat, they also got to pour the wheat into the back of a wheat truck. I’ll probably be listening to this story for the rest of the summer ~ ah well. It was a treat to see my baby girl in that big green machine, smiling and happy to finally be “driving a combine”. 🙂