on Published on: June 28, 2015
Genres: Self Improvement
Format: Ebook
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Confessions of a Shower Tapper -
The Ultimate Guide to Living your Purpose using
A self-help inspirational book that shares universal truths with all those who have a dream and who are daring enough to live those dreams. It’s the biggest adventure you can take! What's a Shower Tapper? A Shower Tapper is someone who practices Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT - Tapping in the shower.
Through hard work, perseverance, and faith, you can take that big leap. But what happens when the going gets tough…’cause it will! What happens when the phone isn’t ringing and the money isn’t coming in? What then? Do yougive up? Do you give in to the overwhelm? To the limiting beliefs? To the self doubt? Heck no! That’s when the tapping starts and the focus comes through.In her upcoming book,
This book shares the journey of leaving a safe and comfortable job to living a purpose as a Spiritual
Teacher and Healer. The author takes you through 21 “confessions” to getting there with the help of EFT
(Emotional Freedom Technique).
Confessions mean having to admit your truths.
Living in your truth commits to living in the present energy, when all is flowing and all is at one with the universe. This is when we can get to the very core of who we are.
Her first confession … tapping in the shower! She shares this technique as one of the best and easiest ways to tap the fears and doubts out of the body.
These confessions are universal to all.
Confessions of a Shower Tapper: The Ultimate Guide to Living your Purpose using EFT, will teach you how to live your purpose in life using the Emotional
Freedom Technique, also known as EFT, or tapping.
EFT is on the cutting edge of alternative healing and medical treatments. It is one of the few modalities that recognizes that beneath just about every physical problem lies an unresolved emotional issue.
EFT works to remove these emotional issues and free us to move beyond these blockages.
This book is aimed at reaching those who have a passion in life but can’t get beyond the
limiting beliefs that keep them stuck. It offers the skills to work through the overwhelm,
the doubt, and the fear, providing you with the confidence to take that leap.
I have been a HUGE fan of EFT (also known as Tapping) for about 7 years now. My EFT journey started when I was trying to wean my 2 year old daughter. I turned to an amazing EFT coach, and after one session we had weaned. I knew right then and there, that EFT was an incredibly powerful tool.
It is amazing to have an EFT coach, but sometimes there’s stuff that’s not quite big enough to book a coaching session for, and you want to just do it yourself. I always had trouble with this. I didn’t know what to say, I felt kind of dorky, and so I just didn’t tap.
Until I found this book. This book is exactly what I needed to bring my EFT practice more fully into my real, every day life. I find myself tapping in the shower most days now, wondering why I never thought of this before.
I love how the author shares her doubts, and concerns, and how she seems so “just like everyone else”. When you read self help books, it’s easy to feel like the authors never have any problems, and they’ve completely got their shit together. This book really pulled me in, because I could see how she was a real person, with real problems and fears, and realized if she could do it, so could I!
If you’ve ever tried tapping, but just couldn’t figure out how to make it work for you, I highly recommend Confessions of Shower Tapper. I bet you will never look at your shower time the same again.
*** This is an ESPECIALLY relevant book to moms with young kids who may find the ONLY time they have alone during the day (barely) is when they’re in the shower. Definitely a wonderful book for struggling moms. I could tell you how many problems, and almost catastrophic issues EFT has helped me with… but that’s a whole other post. 🙂 If you really want to know, shoot me a message, and I’ll be happy to share.

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