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Do You Want to Be Right or Feel Good?

do you want to be right or happy

I have to say, New Year’s Eve is my favorite holiday of the year. I love the clean slate it brings, the new start, new beginnings. A whole new year to build and create as I wish it to be.

Yesterday I spent the day making Venison Lasagna from scratch, thinking my husband and I would have a quiet celebration at home. Things did not go as I planned. Hubby got home very late, and in a very bad mood. I felt unappreciated and overlooked, we both ended up going to bed mad.

Today I awoke still in a funk, mad, frustrated, sad not my usual New Year’s Day let’s get started making a new year mentality. I have cried some, bitched some, thrown a little fit some, and then I opened my email. My message from God via Neale Donald Walsch did it again for me.

On this day of your life, Jackie, I believe God wants you to know…

….that every day is a New Beginning.

A new cycle begins this day, yet a new cycle begins
every day. Indeed, every moment. So if you recognize
anything on this day, recognize what it symbolizes: The
miracle of the endlessly continuing Cycle of Life.

What a grand day! What a time for celebration! We
begin again today! We turn the page! And so, let go
of all that you do not wish to carry with you any further.
Any fear, any sadness, any anger, any resentment, any
disappointment, any lament…let it all go. And now,
using the specialness of this day as a springboard,
let’s get on with Life!

Dang ~ how does the Universe do it? How do I get the message I need to hear just when I need to hear it ALL the time?!? Well, I know how, but it still amazes me.

It kind of made me a little mad though, this message. Here I am wallowing in my “justifiable anger” feeling quite badly when I again realize it is only me  keeping me in this state. It is completely in my power to change how I am feeling.

Do I want to continue to feel angry, sad, taken advantage of, or do I want to feel good? HMMM… I’m not quite sure, somehow this justifiable anger seems so . . . justifiable!

Ok Jackie, do you want to be right or do you want to feel good? It’s up to you, what are you going to pick, because it’s really just as simple as that. CHOOSE woman!! Choose. You know you want to feel good, you want to laugh, and play and dance with your daughter. You don’t want to sit in front of the computer crying anymore.

Let it go ~ Get on with LIFE!! Feel Good!

Ok there’s a bunch of “yeah buts” going through my head, but the weight is lifting, and the cloud is starting to clear. Gonna throw in my happy music CD and turn this thing around.

What’s your favorite way to pivot out of a “I wanna be right no matter how it feels” mood?

OMG this just hit me!!

My “theme” for this year is consistency. I wrote a whole post on my internet marketing strategy blog about how consistency plays into my business life. Funny thing, the post I was going to write here today was about how consistency affects the rest of my life as well.

I was going to talk about how I wanted to more consistently feel good, and have more patience with Hanna and my husband.

Well howdy doo Universe, and thanks for the practice on DAY 1 of my new theme. 🙂 Oh the opportunities are EVERYWHERE!!!

I’m gonna go dance with my daughter now!! 😀

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2 Responses to Do You Want to Be Right or Feel Good?

  1. Pingback: Polenta Party Bites « it’S a Gift

  2. Laura says:

    Hi Jackie! I am so glad that I’m not the only one that gets in a funk, too! Me and my man got into a big arguement last night. Let’s just say that I’ll be glad when huntin season is O-V-E-R!!

    Never heard anything else about our book club from anyone else, but I went to the library yesterday and got a Mary Kay Andrews novel. So far so good!

    Have a great weekend!

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