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How to Track Leads Using GetResponse

For a long time (yeah, we’re talking YEARS) I had no idea where my leads were coming from. Yeah, people signed up to my newsletter, or list or whatever it was for whichever site I was working on, and I never knew exactly where they came from. I didn’t know whether it was from a blog post, a youtube video, a link in my sidebar… and I was ok with that.

Until I wasn’t.

track get response leads

For a bit I switched to a new autoresponder and suddenly it started telling me where my leads were coming from. I knew if they were coming from links within a post, an image within a post, a video, an ad… it was AWESOME!

But there were a million things I didn’t like about that autoresponder. I didn’t want to use it. But I stayed because I didn’t want to lose this new found information.

One day, I had a thought… why don’t you send an email to your old autoresponder… the one you’ve been using for years and see if they have a way to get this information too. 

While I thought I’d asked this question of them at some point in the past and they’d said no, I decided to ask again… because who knows, maybe I didn’t know the right way to ask the question, or maybe they just didn’t understand what I needed. But now that I’d experienced it I had some clarity about what it was I needed!

Well, much to my delight there WAS a way to get this information using my old trusty autoresponder. So today I’m going to show you how to know where your leads are coming from if you’re using Get Response. 🙂

How to Track Get Response Leads

1. You must send company support an email. (it is NOT a default setting to allow you to get this information). In your email, give them the name of the campaign you’d like set up to capture this information.  Then ask them to turn on the “http referrer” option.

Once they turn on that option you will begin seeing the full url the person came through to get to your opt in form. If you have your autoresponder set to send you an email each time someone opts in to your list you’ll see this information in that email. Like this:

how to know where leads come from in getresponse


The trick to really making this useful is making sure you’re using understandable indicators on each link you use pointing to your opt in page, so you’ll know what came from where.

It took me a while, but I finally figured out a system that works really well for me and gives me all the information I need to know.

In each blog post I have a link to my capture page. My capture page url is http://wahmliferocks.com.  If I add a ?id= at the end I can then add a “tag” (anything I want to indicate where the click came from). For my blog posts I generally use the initials of the blog and the date of the post. If it’s a visual call to action at the bottom of the post I add vcta to the tag as well.

(I was still testing out systems/autoresponders in the example above ~ the system I’m using now doesn’t need TrackerName= in the url (but if you’re using GVO that’s what makes it work. :)). But you can seee this link was in a squidoo video on YouTube. Now I have that video in blog posts as well… and the tag is different so I know that it came from the blog post, not from YouTube.

So now when I get an opt in from a link in a blog post it will look like this:

http referer get resonse


As you can see the id “tag” on this link is itsawahmlife.com post (iwl)… from January 13, 2014 (11314). This came from a direct link in the post and not an image or it would vcta at the end.

The key is this… make sure you will know where your “tags” are coming from, even if it’s a year down the road. I started out with a random system and then found I had no idea why I tagged links in the way I did, so I couldn’t figure out where they were actually coming from lol. Keep it simple, using initials and dates helps me keep things straight.

So who really cares, and why is this information useful?

Time and Energy Management… that’s why.

I spent years doing things, writing certain kinds of posts, writing guest posts, all kinds of things, with no real way to know if they actually created any results.

Now I know exactly what is working… and what’s not.

When you know what’s working, and what’s not you know where to put more time, and which things to put less time into. When you start putting more time in on the things that are working, you get more results, much faster.

So… it’s really simple. Just email Getresponse and ask them to turn on the http referer option. Then start adding ?id=relevanttaghere to all of your links. Take some time to get some data on what’s working and what’s not. Adjust your work/time/business accordingly. 🙂

I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to have finally figured this out! Hope it helps you too!

If you’re still looking for a way to make money online in a way that feels good to you and allows you to be YOU in your business, I highly suggest you connect with me, and the Rebel Marketers. A fantastic group of bloggers creating their dreams by being themselves. We’d love to have you! Click here to learn more.  

Jackie Lee


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One Response to How to Track Leads Using GetResponse

  1. Holly Mitson says:

    Thanks for sharing this! I’ve been wanting to do this but not the slightest idea how, or even what to google to figure it out. I just got a hold of support. You rock!

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