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How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too [review]

A couple weeks ago I picked up Mandi Ehman’s new ebook How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too.  I loved the cover (yes, I judge books by their covers!) and the tagline really hooked me:

How to Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too is for every mother who’s ever wondered if it’s possible to pursue her own passions while investing in her family and managing a home.

I’ve been working online for quite some time as you know. I’ve created tons of mini niche sites, and I’ve grown a successful blog… but It’s a Wahm Life is really taking me into the realm of pursuing my passion… and I’m still feeling a little unsteady on my feet.

I love Mandi’s blog(s) and would love to see her kind of success, doing exactly what I love. So I scooped up the book to see what I could learn.

and learn I did…

I picked up an important understanding from the first couple pages of the book… everyone talks about “balancing” and learning how to balance your life, and family and work… not Mandi. Nope she thinks balance is a little over rated. However, she does share a concept that she uses in place of  “balancing” that literally made me sigh with relief. Definitely something I could feel much better about ~ because with my “all or nothing tendencies”…  balance isn’t exactly a great fit for me. 🙂

From there Mandi goes on to tell her story. It’s not often a successful blogger tells you the whole story… the ups the downs, the successes and the failures. Mandi, like me, did quite a few things before she found success online. Her story is well told, and a complete inspiration.

What I truly loved about this book though… is the honesty and truth it tells. She doesn’t sugar coat what it’s going to take to be successful. She doesn’t say you just have to work a couple hours a day and you’ll be rolling in the dough. No, she gives you a very realistic view of what it’s going to take to make it and be successful… but with this realistic view she also provides you tools for dealing with some of the emotions that will inevitably come up ~ being a mom and a business owner. Her advice is spot on… and completely helpful.

(and we haven’t even gotten to the “practical tips” yet). 🙂

The next sections she gets into the nitty gritty of the practical tips that will make creating and running a successful passion based business from your home much easier.  Now don’t get me wrong… she’s not going to share anything Earth shattering that you’ve never heard of before. There’s no big secret mystery she’s going to reveal…

However, she puts them together and lays them out for you in such a way that they make complete and utter sense and leaves you smacking your forehead wondering why you didn’t think of that before… yeah. good. stuff.

You’ll find helpful hints, not only for getting your business up and running, but how to still find time to have fun with your kids and family, as well as great concrete tips to help keep the house in order while you’re doing it all.

To be honest… I’ve had thoughts of writing a similar type book… however Mandi has done it much better than I ever could, and leaves you feeling like everything is possible. More than it’s possible… but that it’s possible for you.

I definitely encourage any mom who’s looking to create a business, or run a blog, or make money online to pick up this book and give it a read. Mandi’s priced it at a point that just about anyone can afford, and if you use the coupon code


you can still take 3 dollars off the price making it a very very cheap 9 bucks.

Yeah… go get it now. It will make your day. 🙂


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